giovedì 6 agosto 2009


Ducks Homage by Decu:
Che fantasticheria.. ma come se fa, come se fa!
Che il Decu sia con voi.

9 commenti:

Paolo Bassotti ha detto...

La storia del brutto anatroccolo m'è sempre stata antipatica, ma il disegno è bello assai. Assai! Un nuovo passo lungo la strada di sassetti che porta al palazzo d'oro della follia.

Complimenti per la scelta musicale. Ora hai il dovere morale di realizzare un'illustrazione alla quale affiancare il lato b di Peanut Duck: Chimpanzee di Count Yates.

Per concludere, a proposito di brutti anatroccoli, questa è la versione della storia fornita da quel genio di Stephin Merritt:

The Ugly Little Duck
(di Stephin Merritt)

it was glorious in the country
there were plants
they were yellow and green!
and the stork was speaking egyptian
for egyptian his mummy had been

'neath a burdock tree sat a mother
sat and sat, that her children would hatch
which they did, mostly, but one other
the big round one, that just didn't match
it seemed to take forever

one unhappy day came the duckling
though his egg had been faithfully warmed
he was so much larger than average
he could best be described as deformed

he was much too gray and too fluffy
as the other ducks loudly opined
when he cried, they said:
"don't get huffy
you can keep on living, we don't mind
it's just that you're so ugly."

so he left early in the morning
but he found, wherever he would roam
that, despite some changes in the sceenry
everyone was as vile as at home

as he settled in for the winter
overhead flew a flock of such birds
that his vision stuck like a spinter
they were all too beautiful for words
that winter was freezing

I can't tell you how much he suffered!
this descirpiton will have to suffice:
he was paddling round the lake, when
his poor feet were frozen in the ice

when it snowed again, he was buried
then it snowed some more over his head
there he sat, too cold to be worried
truth to tell, he just thought he was dead
he didn't mind that one bit

but the spring was here, and a thaw came
our half-dead little hero survived!
and the daffodil and the crocus
sang aloud: "one more spring has arrived!"

and the lovely birds gathered round him
he was nuzzled, and doted upon
then he knew his family had found him
he'd become the most beautiful swan

"I never dreamed of such amazing luck
when I was just an ugly little duck!"

Federico Distefano ha detto...

So di inveterati cacciatori che, dopo aver visto questa illustrazione, non hanno più il coraggio di andare a caccia da soli.

La famiglia Addams dello stagno...

Anonimo ha detto...


il decu ha detto...

he he he...

Zumbi ha detto...

@Paolo: Ellamadonna! Comunque, sfida raccolta.

@Federico: pori cicci, sò belli dentro! (le anatrelle, non i cacciatori. I cacciatori non sono belli dentro, manco quelli brutti fuori).

@Anonimo: hei ma.. il tuo commento è palindromo!

@Decu: ho ho ho!

Silvia Santirosi ha detto...

Proprio bella.
Hai poi risolto i problemi con la modernità liquida?
Aspetto ancora bozzetti...

il decu ha detto...

Certe volte ti prevedo assaje.

meLa ha detto...

lo posso adottare??

Saint Peters Furniture Assembly ha detto...

Good reading youur post